Bitcoin Doesn’t Need Women

in Stories
on 28 January 2020

Bitcoin as a concept can be pretty intimidating for your average person. I understand. For quite awhile, I watched from the sidelines, uncertain whether or not to take the jump in. After I did deeper research, I got more comfortable with the concepts, but it was the generous community of bitcoiners that ended up selling me on the idea.

When I first heard of the massive outpouring of generosity Sean’s Outpost Homeless Outreach received, my sometimes cynical heart was warmed—it got me right in the feels. Ah yes, the heart, that sometimes venerated but often distrusted organ that can have the purest intentions but be led astray so often. It’s an organ that sometimes gets downplayed (and I can’t really disagree) by your more mentally prone types—precisely the ones that tend to inhabit libertarian, anarcho-capitalist, and crypto-anarchist circles.

But today, I want to write about the unnecessary presence of another organ within another sphere of revolution—Bitcoin. Being the bitcoin news junkie I am, I came across this article about women and bitcoin, and being an active woman in the bitcoin world, I of course had to worry my pretty little head about it.

Now, this might come as a shock to you, but believe it or not, there are fewer female bitcoiners than men. All those men sure frighten my delicate sensibilities! Why, it’s just so scary being around a bunch of guys…talking about code…whipping out their dongles…discussing ways to nonviolently revolutionize the system.

by Meghan

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